Tag: washington_craft_beer

Narrows Brewing Welcomes Industry Expert, Dan Turner

By Margo (Greenman) Jorgenson* Having served in the industry for over 30 years, Tacoma native and local, Dan Turner, has worked as a distributor, brand…

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Washington passes the 150 mark – More new breweries on the way

By our reckoning, there are now 153 breweries in Washington. (See our list of Washington Breweries and Brewpubs.) That statement comes with all the usual…

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From Russia, with love – growlers full of local beer

In Federal Way, 99 Bottles (blog sponsor) is about to take full advantage of a recent change to state law. Beginning Tuesday, August 23rd the…

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Drinking in the rain, Skamania style

This past weekend we pointed the Washington Beer Cruiser south through the torrential rain to Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA, where they were hosting a Celebration…

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Nothing but Washington beer for the next 10 days

Around here, two things in life are certain when it comes to beer. Washington loves delicious craft beer and Washington produces delicious craft beer. Events…

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Lost in Fremont – a beer lover finds himself at Fremont Oktoberfest

Today we’d like to introduce a new contributor to the Washington Beer Blog. To his friends, he is known as the Growler Guy because that’s…

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Scuttlebutt on the move – a new location for the waterfront pub

Ongoing expansion plans at the Port of Everett call for the demolition of the building currently housing Scuttlebutt’s waterfront pub. To say it as dramatically…

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Spokane Oktoberfest – special offer for WA Beer Blog readers

Let’s get you off of the fence Have you been thinking about making the roadtrip (or cheap flight) to Spokane this weekend for the inaugural…

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Washington brewers bring home hardware from the Great American Beer Festival

Washington’s Brings Home Fewer Medals this Year In Seattle we love craft beer. In fact, 24 percent of the beer we consume in the greater…

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