Tag: washington_brewers_guild
Changing the way Washington breweries sell beer at farmers markets
The Washington Brewers Guild has been busy lately, working with legislators in Olympia to pass some common sense beer laws like this one, which…
Washington Brewers Guild announces the appointment of new officers
The Washington Brewers Guild just announced the appointment of some new officers. Also introduces the full slate of board members. The role of the Guild…
New law benefits Washington breweries and beer lovers
A funny thing happened in Olympia recently. The legislature did something that actually benefits Washington’s 300+ breweries, passing a bill that helps local brewers promote…
Why You Should Support the Washington Brewers Guild
Yesterday I told you about the Washington Winter Beer Festival, which is a primary funding mechanism for the Washington Brewers Guild. It occurs to me…
Washington Brewers Guild Hires a New Executive Director
The Washington Brewers Guild just announced the hire of a new Executive Director: Annie McGrath. Her background includes work with the Washington State Legislature and…
Herbert’s Legendary Cask Fest Ale – Version 2015
Today is Herbert’s Brew Day. Several local brewers gathered at Postdoc Brewing in Redmond to formulate and brew Herbert’s Legendary Cask Fest Ale, which will…
Washington Beer Alliance descending upon Olympia today
Today is day 15 of the 2015 regular session of the Washington State Legislature. It is also the Washington Beer Alliance’s hill climb day. Members…
Cask Fest 2014 – Here’s the Beer List & Other Info
Update: Monday, March 17 We warned you this would happen. Now it’s official. The first session is sold out. Tickets still available for the second…
Washington Cask Beer Festival, March 22nd
Last year the Washington Cask Beer Festival moved into a new and larger venue – the Exhibition Hall at Seattle Center. This year the event…