Tag: skagit valley maltiing
Skagit Valley Malting is Reopening with New Ownership
Kendall Jones February 8, 2025
Today, we are happy to report that new ownership will bring Skagit Valley Malting back to life. As soon as April or May. Details in the story.
A beer brewed with a new, innovative malted grain, Salish Blue wheat
Kendall Jones September 3, 2020
Fair Isle Brewing introduces Hannah, a beer brewed using a new and innovative kind of grain from WSU and Skagit Valley Malting Hannah, a new beer…
Introducing the Craft Malt Seal
Kendall Jones July 29, 2020
For most craft beer fans, words like sustainable, local, independent, and small matter and help direct buying decisions. A couple years ago the Brewers Association introduced the Independent…
New beer release – Farmstrong Brewing, Skagit Valley Malting and Crosby Hop Farm
Kendall Jones May 2, 2019
This Friday, May 3rd, Farmstrong Brewing releases a collaboration beer brewed with their friends at Skagit Valley Malting and Crosby Hop Farm. Proceeds from Secret…