Tag: ipapril
It’s spring and IPA is in the air at two Seattle beer halls
Kendall Jones April 4, 2016
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” That’s what the…
Spring is Here and IPA is in the Air
Kendall Jones April 3, 2014
Strange Brewfest, Belgianfest, Barleywine Bacchanal, Hard Liver Fest, and the other local beer festivals of winter tend to focus on beers that are big, bold,…
April Means IPA at Cooper’s & the Beveridge Place
admin April 4, 2012
It’s April and around Seattle that means IPA. Especially at the Beveridge Place Pub (blog sponsor) and Cooper’s Alehouse. At the Beveridge Place Pub IPApril…