Tag: hood_river_breweries

pFriem Family Brewers begins bottling beer

Until now, beers from pFriem Family Brewers have been draft-only beers. Beautiful, delicious, awe-inspiring, draft-only beers. That’s about to change as the company prepares to…

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Double Mountain Brewing celebrates 8th anniversary on March 14

I still remember my first visit to the taproom at Double Mountain Brewing. The place was just a couple years old and still had that…

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BIG beer news from the Breweries in the Gorge

The Gorge has long been one of my favorite beer destination in the Pacific Northwest. As a matter of fact, not too long ago I…

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pFriem Family Brewers Celebrates 2nd Anniversary on Aug. 2nd

While this blog typically focuses on breweries and events north of the border, Hood River is just barely Oregon and pFriem Family Brewers is one…

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Spend a week at the Gorge without ever leaving the Latona

One day an unstoppable force met and immovable object. It took several million years for the Columbia River and the Cascade Range to work out…

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Logsdon Farmhouse Ales – Tasting Room Now Open

The other day we paid a visit to the recently opened tasting room at Logsdon Farmhouse Ales. The brewery has been making outstanding beers for…

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Pfriem Family Brewers, Up & Brewing in Hood River

Back in January we told you about a new brewery coming to Hood River, OR: Pfriem Family Brewers. (read it.) We were recently contacted by…

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New Brewery Coming to Hood River

The last time the Washington Beer Blog told you anything about Josh Pfriem was back in October of 2009. We reported that Josh was leaving…

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Beer Trails: Hood River. It's just barely Oregon

Previous posts in this series: Vancouver, the gateway to the Gorge Highway 14, Stevenson and White Salmon This is the final installment in our series…

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