Tag: dick’s_brewing
This Saturday, anniversary party at Dick’s Brewing in Centralia
This Saturday, October 26th, Dick’s Brewing invites you to join them as the company commemorates its 25th anniversary and celebrates the man who started…
Dick’s Brewing Co. Introduces New Branding and More
Dick’s Brewing Company of Centralia is updating its look. Now in business for over 20 years, Dick’s Brewing is introducing a new logo and new…
Dick’s Brewing Prepares to Celebrate 20th Anniversary
It’s hard to believe that it was nearly 20 years ago that Dick Young first slapped a “Beer Test Dummy” sticker on my chest. That…
Dick’s Brewing introduces 12 Man Pale Ale
It’s really something. The number 12 has become synonymous with the Seattle Seahawks. More precisely, with the team’s fans. You see the flags all over…
The Triumphant Return of Herman Klaber’s Hops – A New Beer from Dick’s Brewing
It’s like my daddy used to tell me when I was a little boy. He’d say, “Son, behind every great beer there is a great…
Third Annual Dick Young Memorial BBQ
Today I want to tell you about an upcoming event: the Third Annual Dick Young Memorial BBQ, which takes place at Dick’s Brewing in Centralia…
Beer for a Cure: Local brewery helps fund cancer research
It is hard to imagine a world without cancer. Everyone has been touched in some way by some form of the disease. In August Dick’s…
Dave Pendelton – Glen Hay Falconer 2011 winner
Dave Pendelton, Head Brewer at Dicks Brewing Company, has been named one of the recipients of the 2011 Glen Hay Falconer Foundation Brewing Scholarships. This…
Follow Up, More Info – The Passing of Dick Young
We sadly reported yesterday the news that Washington brewing icon Dick Young had unexpectedly passed away. As promised, we will pass along any information as…