Sunnyland Garden Party kicks off tomorrow at 7 Bellingham breweries


The Garden Party starts tomorrow in Bellingham’s Sunnyland neighborhood, which has developed into one of the busiest brewery districts in the Northwest. The neighborhood just north of downtown is now home to seven breweries. Starting on Thursday, April 13th all of the breweries will collectively celebrate the Sunnyland Garden Party. The festivities continue through the weekend.

Each brewery has its own kind of stuff planned. Visit all seven breweries, get your card stamped at each, and you’ll get entered in a raffle for some prizes. The seven breweries involved are Kulshan Brewing, Otherlands Beer, Twin Sisters Brewing, Stemma Brewing, North Fork Barrelhouse, Wander Brewing, and El Suenito Brewing.

Keep an eye on each brewery’s social media channels to find out what’s happening. Here’s a smattering of what I found on Instagram.

El Suenito Brewing — Sunnyland Garden Party is back! Celebrate with us the return of springtime along with our fellow Sunnyland neighborhood breweries.


The fun starts on Thursday, April 13th and it ends Sunday, April 16th. Come for all or part of it. This is a pub-crawl style event. It’s an excuse to wear garden party attire. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our beautiful spring. It’s a party for you and your friends. Here are the different activities you can participate in throughout the long weekend (starting on Thursday):

  1. We plan to start the Garden Party weekend with a bang: the special beer release of our Alebrijes Mexican Lager on Thursday. This is a beer that is perfect for sunnier days and we think you’ll agree. Come toast with us!
  2. On Saturday, we are doing Succulent Saturday simultaneously with our neighbors at @otherlandsbeer and we will be giving away a cute little succulent plant ? to the first 50 guests (18+ only). Happening at both Otherlands & El Sueñito.
  3. Anytime throughout the weekend, you can pick up a punch card. Full punch cards turned in at your last stop (any Sunnyland brewery) will be entered into a raffle to win rad prizes!
  4. Wear garden party attire (floral patterns, springy, weird, quirky attire! Big hats, overalls or anything you would wear gardening works too!) and participate in our photo contest for a chance to win a prize. Upload your stunning photos by Sunday and use the tag #gardenpartyvibes to enter the contest.

Don’t miss one of the best spring parties in town. Bring out your friends and let’s party together.


Twin Sisters Brewing — The Garden Party is back THIS WEEKEND! ?? Celebrate the return of Springtime with 7 Sunnyland neighborhood breweries- @kulshanbrewing, @otherlandsbeer, @stemmabrewing, @north_fork_barrelhouse, @wanderbrewing, @elsuenitobrewing, and of course Twin Sisters Brewery! The Sunnyland Garden Party is a pub-crawl style event. Starting Thursday and over the course of the weekend, springtime enthusiasts will receive a stamp on a punch card for every brewery they visit. Full punch cards turned in at their last stop will be entered into a raffle to win a prize pack from the participating brewery they return the punch card to!

Garden Party attire is strongly encouraged (floral patterns, springy, weird, quirky attire! Big hats, overalls or anything you would wear gardening works too!) We’re even having a #photocontest for the weekend! Don your best Garden Party attire and post a photo on social media (a post, not a story!) using the tag #gardenpartyvibes for a chance to win a prize! All entries must be posted by Sunday, April 16th and the winner will be chosen next week! Must be 21+ to participate in the contest!


Check out the event page in our bio and be ready to have an awesome weekend celebrating Spring with all your Sunnyland Brewery friends!



Join us in celebrating the return of Spring this weekend with all 7 Sunnyland breweries, from our taproom to our friends at
Kulshan Brewing, Otherlands Beer, Twin Sisters Brewing, Stemma Brewing, North Fork Barrelhouse, Wander Brewing, El Suenito Brewing

We’re bringing our slushie machine out for the weekend, so keep your eyes peeled to see what delicious slushie we’ll have available. ??☀️

Stop by all 7 breweries this Thursday thru Sunday and get a stamp from each spot for this pub-crawl style event. Drop your completed punch card off for a chance to win a raffle from that location!

This year we encourage you to wear your best garden party attire – complete with a #photocontest for a chance to win a sweet prize. To enter, post your photo by Sunday, April 16th on social media, use tag #gardenpartyvibes and a winner will be chosen next week. Must be 21+ to participate.

Lasty, join us on Friday at 4 pm for a pub crawl with the brewers (starting in our taproom).

Kulshan Brewing — The Sunnyland Garden Party is back! Join us this weekend Thursday 4/13 – Sunday 4/16 for this pub crawl style event! Visit all 7 Sunnyland Neighborhood breweries over the course of the weekend, get a stamp on your punch card, and get entered in drawing form some rad prizes. The participating breweries are: Kulshan Brewing, Otherlands Beer, Twin Sisters Brewing, Stemma Brewing, North Fork Barrelhouse, Wander Brewing, El Suenito Brewing. You are encouraged to wear your best garden party attire for this fun celebration of spring.

Check out the Washington Beer Blog’s events page for more beer-related events around Washington.
