On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans will drink approximately 325.5 million gallons of beer. That’s enough beer to fill nearly 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools. That really amazes me. Only 500? Seriously, I didn’t realize Olympic-sized swimming pools were that big.
Super Bowlbecue Tailgate Party
In West Seattle we will do our share of beer drinking on Super Bowl Sunday, but instead of drinking beer to line the pockets of the uber-huge, multi-nationally conglomerated beer manufacturers we will be drinking locally brewed beer to support a good cause—the local YMCA’s after-school programs. Too often the kids who most need to be involved in those programs are kids from families that can least afford it.
Beer Church, the Porterhouse, Diamond Knot Brewing, Georgetown Brewing, and Port Townsend Brewing invite you to join us for an afternoon of delicious beer, succulent barbecue, and football. All you have to do is come out to the Porterhouse on Super Sunday and take part in our Super Bowlbecue Tailgate Party and you’ll be supporting a great cause. We’ll have plenty of TVs for those you actually interested in the game, piles of amazing food coming off of the barbecues, and lots of delicious Washington-brewed beer.
Super Bowl Sunday marks one of the most gluttonous days of the year. Americans will fill our faces until our bellies distend and will drink beer like it is a full moon Saturday night and not a Sunday afternoon. The Super Bowl is its own economic stimulus plan. We spend. And at the end of it all, what do we have to show for it? This year, you can be part of something worthy. Make the beer you drink and the food you eat mean something. Come join us.
Super Bowlbecue Tailgate Party
Sunday, February 6th
1:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The Porterhouse Pub
2329 California Avenue Southwest
Seattle, WA 98116
(206) 932-2575