After a three-year hiatus, home brewing classes with Abrosis School of Brewing return to Cairn Brewing in Kenmore, Washington. Classes start at the end of January. Register now (link below). Perhaps learning to brew would be a nice gift for someone?
“After a 3-year hiatus, the Abrosis School of Brewing is teaming back up again with Micro Homebrew and Cairn Brewing in Kenmore to start up our homebrew classes beginning January 29th,” says Jesse Young of Abrosis School of Brewing. “I’m hoping to rekindle and invigorate the homebrewing spirit here in the Seattle Metro Area that seems to have waned in the last few years.”
Homebrewer Series:
Malt Extract – Jan. 29th
All Grain Brew in a Bag – Mar. 19th
All Grain Three Tier System April 16th
Specialty Series:
Lagers – Feb. 19th
IPA’s – May 21st
Back in 2019, we posted a story about these home brewing classes here on the blog. I share that original post below to provide more information. Note that the class schedule at the bottom is from 2019.
Original Post (from 2019)
Cairn Brewing is partnering with Abrosis School of Brewing to offer a series of home brewing classes: The Complete Hombrewer Series. Along with the classes, attendees are eligible for discounts on brewing supplies at Micro Homebrew, which is located just a couple blocks away from the brewery in Kenmore. Classes take place at Cairn Brewing on various dates throughout February, March, April and May.
“As far as I know, it’s the only opportunity to learn how to brew by a locally based, professional brewer in a production brewery/taproom, and with a week-long discount on brewing supplies following the class.” say Jen Boyd, co-owner at Cairn Brewing.
The Complete Homebrewer Series is taught by Jesse Young of the Abrosis School of Brewing. Jesse is an avid homebrewer and also the Assistant Brewer at Flying Bike Brewing, a cooperative brewery in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood. Each class features a brewing technique, such as brewing with extract or all-grain brewing, as well as a specific style of beer.
Each class in the series shows the beer-making process from start to finish by brewing a five-gallon batch of beer with plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout the live demonstration. The focus is on the basics of brewing, along with tips to help the first-time brewer make an outstanding home-brewed beer from the start. In addition, Jesse talks about humanity’s history and the intertwined anthropology of brewing, explaining how beer became a cultural cornerstone of our past.
“Bringing more people into the homebrewing community is incredibly important to me,” says Jesse Young, Abrosis owner and instructor. “These classes build technical brewing knowledge that offer the reward of potentially years of homebrewing adventures. And it’s awesome to share your beer with the world around you.”
Jen Boyd of Cairn Brewing says, “We love working collaboratively with other small, local businesses. That makes our partnership with Abrosis School of Brewing and Micro Homebrew so natural for us. Jesse is a terrific teacher of technical brewing but also the cultural background. The homebrew advisors at Micro Homebrew coach beginning and advanced homebrewers alike on ingredients, technique and recipes. We often brew recipes from Micro Homebrew on Cairn’s brewhouse so homebrewers can come taste what the finished product is like when they prepare to brew their own. That’s a unique opportunity in the Seattle area.”
The Homebrewer Series includes three classes on general brewing: brewing with malt extract, brewing-in-a-bag, and brewing with a three-tier, all grain system. The specialty classes include India Pale Ales and Porters/Stouts. Full class details with registration information and dates are available via Eventbrite and also from Cairn Brewing’s Facebook events page.
All classes are held in the Cairn Brewing taproom in Kenmore. Micro Homebrew also offers class attendees an exclusive discount on brewing supplies and ingredients for the seven days following each class.
Currently scheduled classes:
- Malt Extract Brewing: February 10th
- Porters/Stouts, March 3rd
- Brew-In-A-Bag, March 31st
- The Three-Tier System, April 28th
- India Pale Ales, May 19th
Keep an eye on Cairn Brewing’s Facebook events page for details and updates.