Governor Jay Inslee just signed an official proclamation declaring next Saturday, February 24th Washington Beer Day. This was a joint effort coordinated by the Washington Beer Commission and the Washington Brewers Guild. The date coincides with Washington Beer Open House, a statewide celebration of Washington’s vibrant brewing culture.
On Saturday, February 24, breweries across the state will open the doors to the brewhouse and invite the public to visit as part of Washington Beer Open House. Exactly what each brewery has planned varies. Possibilities include behind the scenes tours, special beer tastings, barrel-aged beer releases, seasonal releases, food, and so on. You’ll need to check with each participating brewery for details or check out the list of breweries and events below. This year 137 breweries are participating this year.
If you’re a WABL member, don’t forget to check in using the WABL app while you’re out there visiting breweries. If you’re not a WABL member, you should consider joining WA Beer Lovers. Between the T-shirt and the special deals you get at festivals, your membership basically pays for itself. You can join WABL here, or you can visit WABL during Washington Beer Open House at the Crucible Brewing taproom in Woodinville. They’ll be there to answer questions and sign you up.