I’ve heard of collaboration beers, and I’ve seen breweries collaborate on things other than beers, but I haven’t heard the term collaboration brewery until now. Belltown Brewing and Schooner Exact Brewing just announced that they have created a collaboration brewery, making a commitment to collaborate on more than one beer, operating jointly on a continuing series of beers. The name of the new brewery is SODO Brewing.
Belltown’s head brewer, Adam Frantz, and Schooner’s head brewer, Joel Stickney, will collaborate on the draft-only beers and brew them at Schooner Exact’s facility in Seattle SoDo neighborhood. SODO Brewing’s beers will be self-distributed to local pubs and restaurants. The initial offerings will include two IPAs, a lager, and a stout, all of which will make their debut in early 2018.
“A collaboration like this is exciting as a brewer where I get the opportunity to be creative alongside another great local brewer, and produce something neither of us may have done on our own,” said Adam Frantz. “I’m looking forward to working with Joel and kicking out some great new beers for Seattleites”
Joel Stickney adds, “This is such an exciting time for beer in Seattle. There is so much creativity amongst brewers and many enthusiastic beer drinkers to enjoy our offerings. Collaborating with Adam is going to allow us both to push the boundaries even further and produce excellent new beer offerings.”
SODO Brewing will release details about where to find the beers, as well as the names of the beers, as they are released. In the meantime, learn more about Belltown Brewing at belltownbrewingseattle.com. Learn more about Schooner Exact Brewing Co. visit schoonerexact.com.