While we are all excited about the upcoming Seattle Beer Week festivities, it is also time to celebrate the annual release of Bob’s Brown Ale. Each year on May 14th, Georgetown Brewing releases a commorative beer, the proceeds from which are donated to the Ronald McDonald House. Last year, the proceeds from Bob’s Brown Ale totaled $45k. Not only is it a darn tasty brown ale, it also benefits a worthy cause.
The official kick-off party is this Friday, May 14th at the Nickerson Street Saloon in Seattle. We’ve attended the Bob parties in the past and they are always a rip-roarin’ good time, which isn’t surprising given the passion that the Georgetown crew has for this cause and their usual fun-lovin’ enthusiasm.
Here’s the story from Georgetown:
Bob’s is a special beer brewed in honor of our friend, Bob Hirsch, who fought cancer valiantly for many years. He lived his final days to the fullest and he is an inspiration to all of us.
Bob’s Brown Ale will be released every May 14th (Bob’s birthday). 100% of our proceeds from Bob’s will be donated in honor of Charles “Bob” Hirsch to the Seattle Ronald McDonald House to provide a “home-away-from-home” for Children’s Hospital patients and families.
Bob’s Brown Ale is big and brown with lots of hops. We use a blend of 2-row Pale, Caramel, Chocolate, Munich, and Roasted Barley Malts, then add sh*t load of Centennial and Crystal hops to make this a meaty brown brew. Alcohol by volume is 6.3%.
Starting on May 14th Bob’s will be on tap at the locations listed below (read the whole story to see the complete list). The more you drink, the more money the Ronald McDonald House gets. Consider it a challenge.
74th St. Ale House
9lb Hammer
Abbondanza Pizzeria
Attic Alehouse & Eatery
Barking Dog Alehouse
Beaver Tavern (Bellingham)
Bennedito’s Pizza (Spokane)
Beveridge Place Pub
Bitter Creek Ale house (Boise)
Brown Lantern (Anacortes)
Buckley’s Belltown
Buckley’s on Queen Anne
Calamity Jane’s
Campbell House (Chelan)
Cedars @ Dungeness – Sequim
Celtic Bayou
College Inn
Columbia City Ale House
Coug (Pullman)
Deluxe Bar & Grill
Doc’s Marina Grill (Bainbridge Is.)
Dog & Pony (Renton)
Duke’s Kent Station
Duke’s Lake Union
Eastside Club (Olympia)
Floyd’s Place
Fred’s Rivertown Ale House (Snohomish)
Front Door (Boise)
Great Nabob
Georgetown Liquor Co.
Harbour Public House (Bainbridge)
Hawks Nest
Hilltop Ale House
Hudson (Georgetown)
Irishman (Everett)
Ivar’s Mukilteo
Ivar’s Salmon House
Ivar’s Acres of Clams
Jabu’s Pub
Jack-Sons Terrace Heights (Yakima)
Jules Maes Saloon
Kate’s Pub
Loretta’s Northwesterner
Madrona Eatery & Ale House
Marco Polo
Meconi’s (Tacoma)
Moondollars (Post Falls)
Montlake Alehouse
Murphy’s Pub
Nickerson St. Saloon
Norm’s Eatery & Ale House
North Bend Bar & Grill
Old Town Ale House
Parkway Tavern (Tacoma)
Pioneer Square Saloon
Prima Bristro (Langley)
Pumphouse (Bellevue)
Red Door
Red House (Renton)
Roanoke Inn (Mercer Island)
Roanoke Park Place Tavern
Sand Point Grill
Shawn O’Donnell’s (Everett)
Smarty Pants
Sport Restaurant & Bar
Sportspage (Kent)
Sporty’s Beef & Brew (Everett)
Stellar Pizza
Swinging Arm (Black Diamond)
Swiss (Tacoma)
Tides (Gig Harbor)
Tin Hat
Wedgwood Alehouse
West 5
Westin Hotel (Bellevue)
Whistlestop (Renton)
Wildfire (Port Angeles)