Date Online and Plan Your Beer Trip

couple on their phones during a date.

Sick of dates that make watching paint dry seem more interesting? Time to liven things up. More people are connecting over a shared love of beer… and it’s… brewing… some seriously awesome relationships. Forget roses and horses. Hops and barley are where it’s at.

Finding someone who geeks out over craft brews as much as you do? That’s the dream. With the craft beer kinks, there’s a whole keg of opportunities for dates that don’t suck. So, ready to spice up your love life with some booze-breath-infused tips? Hell yes. Skol to that!

Finding a Partner Who Loves Beer Online

The first reasonable thing you can do is to choose a dating site that doesn’t suck. Find one where you can filter by interests. You can choose the first one that pops up on your screen. Just make sure it lets you search for fellow beer geeks.

Get savvy with the site’s features. Use advanced search options to zero in on people who mention beer in their bios. Swipe left on anyone who prefers wine tastings or… heaven forbid… doesn’t drink at all. Life’s too short for mismatched drinking preferences.

Don’t limit yourself to dating apps. Jump into online forums and social media groups where beer lovers hang out. These spots are gold mines for meeting like-minded folks who appreciate a good brew. Plus, you’ll stay updated on beer festivals and events. Perfect places for real-life meetups.

Tips to Create a Beer-lover Profile to Date Gays Online

Profile Pic

First. The pics. Look, no one wants a blurry selfie in bad lighting. You love beer, right? Show it! But don’t go overboard with a fridge full of cans. You’re not auditioning for “Beer Hoarders.” Post a pic of you in a cool brewery, holding a pint like a boss, maybe with some friends. It’s not about being a beer snob. It’s about showing you’re a fun dude who’s down for good times.

Write Some Bio

No one’s got time to read a novel. Keep it short, sweet, and honest. Start with why you’re here. Like, “Lover of craft brews, bad puns, and worse decisions after 4 beers.” That’s it. Don’t try to sound like some sophisticated beer sommelier unless you actually are. People can smell fake from a mile away.

Be Honest

You’re looking for gay hookups, right? Let’s not dance around it. Don’t beat around the bush. Put it out there in a chill way. Say something like, “I’m down for a good convo over a pint and maybe seeing where it goes after.” You’re showing you’re relaxed and open, without coming off too intense.

How to Turn Online Dates Into Beer Dates

Now that your profile is on point let’s talk about moving from chatting to clinking glasses in person.

Make the First Move

Don’t overthink it. If the conversation is flowing, casually suggest meeting up at a local brewery or a new beer bar in town.

Keep It Comfortable

Ensure both of you are cool with the plan. Offer options and be open to their suggestions. If they’re not into the brewery scene, maybe a beer-tasting event or a relaxed bar might be more their style.

Stay Chill and Fun

The goal is to make the invitation feel casual. Not like a grand gesture. Keep the tone light to increase the chances of a positive response. After all, it’s just two guys grabbing a beer. No pressure.

Attending Events Together – What’s More Fun for a First Date

First dates can be awkward, but they don’t have to be. Beer-themed events are where it’s at.

Beer-Themed Events

Forget fancy restaurants. Hit up a local beer festival instead. It’s loud. It’s lively. Nobody cares if you spill a little. You get to try a bunch of different brews without committing to just one. Kind of like dating, right? Plus, there’s always some live music or weird entertainment to keep things interesting. It’s the perfect setup to relax and just be yourselves.

Brewery Tours

If festivals aren’t your stuff, consider a brewery tour. Walking around where the magic happens is pretty cool. You learn about the history of beer (impress your date with that fact), see how it’s made, and taste it fresh off the tap. Educational and tasty. A two-for-one deal. And hey, if the date’s a bust, at least you got some free samples.

Beer Pairings

Want to step it up a notch? Go for a beer and food pairing event. Sharing a meal that’s been expertly paired with craft beers? Now that’s intimate. You’ll have plenty to talk about between bites and sips, and it’s way more memorable than splitting an appetizer at a chain restaurant.


Combining online dating with a shared love for beer isn’t just smart… it’s hilarious. Don’t sit around swiping forever. Get outside. Get drunk. Find a guy who gets excited about beer and get him drunk, too. Be bold. Plan that date. Enjoy what you love, and share it with someone new.
