The Washington Brewers Festival is just a couple weeks away (June 14 -16) and we have some information to share.
Once again, Washington Beer Blog will be at the festival all three days. At our booth, we’ll be answering questions about Washington beer and breweries, handing out information about Washington beer, and providing you with an opportunity to win a valuable prize (or a few) to be disclosed later. We’ll also be offering opinions (ours and others) about our favorite festival beers. Our booth will be located in the northwest corner of the festival grounds, near the entrance to the kid’s play area. Stop by and say hello, ask us a question, share some opinions with fellow beer lovers, pick up a magazine or two, maybe win some stuff.
If you’re not already a member of WABL, and you plan to attend the festival, why not join? It’s a good deal and pays for itself almost instantly. WABL (Washington Beer Lovers) is the official Washington Beer fan club. If you join before June 10th, your credentials will be mailed to you. If you join after the 10th, you’ll have to pick them up at the festival. And once you do, you’ll enjoy some tasty perks.
At the festival, you will get a fancy WABL tasting glass, extra tasting tokens, and access to the special WABL-only beer. As a WABL member, you get those perks at all six Washington Beer Commission festivals (Bremerton Summer Brewfest, Everett Craft Beer Fest, Spokane Oktoberfest, Winter Beer Fest, Belgianfest, and Washington Brewers Festival).
It costs $25 for a one-year membership and that includes a T-shirt. The T-shirt and the extra tasting tokens pay for the membership. Especially if you go to more than one festival per year.
WABL is a way for you to show your appreciation of the Washington brewing scene. WABL proceeds go to the Washington Beer Commission—the state commission tasked with promoting Washington beer. (BTW, it is the only commission of its kind in the USA.) Truth is, WABL is hardly a profit center. It is a service offered by the Commission more than it is a moneymaking venture for the Commission.
WABL started several years ago and some of us have been members since the beginning. The nature of WABL has changed over the years as the group has grown exponentially. It will continue to change as the earth spins through space and life moves forward. One thing has not changed, for $25 it is a helluva deal. It may not be the same little exclusive clique it once was, but that’s because there are so many more people who love Washington beer. A bigger WABL is a better WABL in my opinion. So join us! Be a WABL!