Brian Sollenberger Dies Unexpectedly


Brian Sollenberger, Diamond Knot Brewery co-founder/partner, has died unexpectedly. Details will follow. As much as we know right now, it was an accident at his home. We will share any details as they become available.
This is sad news and we are very sorry to report it. We post this information at the request of Brian’s partners at Diamond Knot. Our sincere condolences go out to Brian’s family and to the Diamond Knot family in general.
Funeral information is here.


9 thoughts on “Brian Sollenberger Dies Unexpectedly

  1. Man, I was still shocked after reading that Dick’s Brewing’s founder passed on. What a bummer week for the Washington Craft Beer community.
    “Dick Danger Ale” was the first great, craft beer I fell in love when I first moved to Olympia in the mid-90’s and discovered there was something outside of Red Hook, Portland Brewing and Widmer for good micros. I still hope Hooverville in Seattle has Dick Danger on tap; it’s the one place I can count on to sip my favorite brew and remember those good ol’ days when I first discovered I had moved into the Mecca-Region of Craft Brewing!
    Diamond Knot is my current local favorite Brewery and this is really a downer today. MY GF lives in Mukilteo and I know this will hit the little waterfront community pretty hard down there. It is just such a great place and you feel like family there.
    R.I.P. to both of these beer lovers that brought us 2 of the greatest in their regions!

  2. Shit!!! All my best thoughts and support go out to the whole Diamond Knot family. We’re with ya guys.

  3. Brian is a Co-worker and friend and we have shared many stories while enjoying frosty cool beverage at both the Ale House and the B-2 Facility.
    I will miss him.
    My thoughts are with his family and their well being.

  4. Man, this is sad new, Brian was a GREAT Brewer and a even
    Better Friend.
    Prost to you Brian

  5. So very sad. Very black day yesterday.
    I miss my friend. I am too sad to elaborate.
    I pray for Brian’s family and friends.
    My friend, Brian, was perhaps one of the most intelligent men I have known in my lifetime. Smarts are not always about mathematics, logic and engineering.
    I learned that if you ever are lucky enough on this world to have a good friend, appreciate them.
    Even of youhave every excuse in the world why you cant go to cheese making lessons….you never have time to sit down and read never ever know.
    Brian was my friend. My “Foodie” friend. My all around buddy that always made me feel important in his arena, even though he was the star and intelligent beyond belief.
    Peace out.

  6. What a shock! We have lost a great man and marvelous brewer. Condolences to Brian’s Family and The Diamond Knot Team. He will be missed by many!

  7. Hadn’t seen Solly in a few years, but still a great shock, and a sad day. The “Knotheads” had been a driving force for us, the home brewers in the Boeing Beer and Wine Club, back in the early days. I learned a lot from Brian, and he really introduced me to a true hophead’s IPA and a REAL Heffy! My thoughts go out to his family, and the whole DK gang. Here’s to you Brian, we will miss you!

  8. My deepest condolences to Brian’s family and friends.
    I’m pretty sure I don’t count as one of Brian’s friends, since we’ve never met in person. But his help and support have been an invaluable part of getting my brewery started here, thousands of miles away, with his posts on
    I’m sure I speak for dozens and dozens of small brewers he has helped there when I say THANK YOU BRIAN, YOU WILL BE MISSED!

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