As we’ve discussed before, and by now most breweries know, part of the requirements for Phase 2 openings involve food. This has created some headaches for brewery taprooms that historically not offered food, but the latest guidance from the state includes significant changes to the food requirements that offer some help. Here is the message from the Washington Brewers Guild.
Important: Phase 2 Food Rule Changes for Indoor Service at Breweries
(February 5, 2021) – Food must still be made available on-site for indoor service in Phase 2, however, there have been significant changes to the guidance and three meal offerings are no longer required. Snack options (outlined below) and allowing customers to bring in outside food will now meet the food criteria for indoor service in Phase 2.
Here’s the new food guidance for breweries:
Food offerings must be provided on-site by the licensed business to customers, during COVID-19 business operations, until such time as full capacity in licensed locations is allowed.
“Food offerings” means a combination of small serving food items to include a mix of hors d’oeuvre type foods, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, deli-style meats, chips, pretzels, nuts, popcorn, crackers, or similar items.
Food offerings may be free-of-charge or sold.
Food offerings may be prepackaged for individual sale and consumption.
Food offerings may be prepared off-site for plating for the customer.
Food offerings are not required to have warming, cooking, or heating off-site or on-site prior to service.
In addition to the required on-site food offerings, the Brewery or Winery shall post, in a conspicuous place within any tasting room, a list of multiple local restaurants or food trucks where customers can purchase food for consumption in the tasting room. The list shall include names, addresses, contact information, and hours of operation for each restaurant or food truck named.