Crosby Hop Farm, working with Hopstories, introduces a video of the 2018 hop harvest at the farm in Woodburn, Oregon. From the field, where bottom cutters and top cutters remove the bines from the trellises, to the hop picking machine that separates the cones from the rest of the plant, and the on to the kiln and the baling room, here is the harvest as shown in a 360-degree video. Pretty cool stuff.
Here’s the story at it appears on the Crosby Hop Farm’s blog:
Behold the magic of hop harvest in 360 degrees filmed at Crosby Hop Farm and produced by Hopstories! Please view this in the YouTube app or on your mobile device using headphones for a full immersive experience.
If you’ve stood in a hop field surrounded by lush green curtains, walked into a warm dryer room filled with moist, aromatic air or stood beneath a shower of freshly dried hops, then you know the magic of the hop harvest season. If you haven’t experienced hop harvest in person, we are glad to bring it to you in a completely new video format, and to enjoy at any time of year.
How did Hopstories capture the footage shot at Crosby Hop Farm? In order to process 360-degree images, the crew set up two 180-degree cameras back-to-back on a custom mount, tossed the drone in the air, ran, and hid (if you can see the camera, it sees you)! After successfully catching the drone as part of the landing process, the team then went back to the edit bay to stitch the massive file-size recordings together for the jaw-dropping views that take you behind the scenes of every step in the harvest process.
This includes aerial footage of the farm, top cutter, processing facilities, wet hop packaging, dryer room (where you’ll spot some “hop shoes”) and the cooling/bailing room with a flyover of the fields to close out the 360-degree video.
We invite everyone to take a journey back in time to experience hop harvest 2018 again, look around each scene and experience hop harvest in their own unique way.